What is Defence Doing?
Commonwealth Policy
The Australian Government has approved policy for managing land affected by Unexploded Ordnance (UXO). The Department of Defence implements this policy. View the Commonwealth Policy on the Management of Land in Australia Affected by Unexploded Ordnance.
Informing and Protecting the Public
The Department of Defence maintains a record of sites confirmed as, or reasonably suspected of, being affected by UXO. Defence updates this record as and when information on areas affected by UXO becomes available. This record is represented in an interactive map.
The Commonwealth will seek to inform the public where it knows of dangers considered to have arisen from particular UXO contamination. This is generally achieved through the provision of advice to State and Local government land management and planning authorities.
The Commonwealth cannot provide an assurance to all prospective purchasers that in the absence of warning with respect to their land, it will be free of UXO.
The Commonwealth assists land planning and management authorities in protecting the public from the hazards associated with the development of land, and zoning proposals involving such land, for UXO affected areas.
Providing Advice
The Department of Defence will provide advice on the hazards associated with UXO to all Commonwealth, State and Local Government Authorities and private organisations or individuals who request it.
Defence is actively engaged in identifying areas where UXO are likely to be present. Members of the public can assist in this process. If you have any information that may be of assistance, please contact uxo@defence.gov.au.
Further resources highlighting the issues of UXO and the actions to be taken should you encounter UXO can be found on the Resources page.
Defence Panel – Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Companies
Defence maintains a panel of suitably qualified UXO consultants and contractors; companies on this panel have been assessed by Defence as being suitable to conduct UXO related work on behalf of Defence.
The current Defence Panel is the Defence Infrastructure Panel – Environment, Heritage and Engineering Services (DIP.EHE). The DIP.EHE separates UXO capabilities into three streams (some companies may be included in multiple streams):
Unexploded Ordnance Management and Advice includes the provision of specialist technical advice, strategic advice, risk management advice, project management services, and historical site research. The advice and services outlined in this stream can be engaged to inform the development of policies, strategies, standards, templates, implementation plans and guidelines in relation to the assessment and management of UXO/Explosive Ordnance Materiel (EOM). | Companies & Contacts | Services |
Unexploded Ordnance Remediation includes undertaking actual UXO hazard remediation operations. These services can be engaged to complete physical remediation works, including undertaking civil works, processing EOM to ensure it is free from energetic material, and planning and conducting the appropriate disposal of UXO when authorised to do so by Defence. | Companies & Contacts | Services |
Unexploded Ordnance Survey and Safety Services includes the provision of UXO avoidance and safety support services and the undertaking of field validation surveys. The activities and services outlined in this stream are undertaken to support the safe conduct of activities in areas potentially affected by UXO and to develop assessments of the level of UXO/EOM related contamination. | Companies & Contacts | Services |
Further detail on the Defence Panel can be found on Defence Infrastructure Panel - Environment, Heritage and Estate Engineering Services 2020-2025.